Calorimetric chambers for air conditioning equipment

for characterization of air conditioning equipment (air/air, water/water and air/water/sanitary water)

The calorimètric Chambers are specially designed to perform tests of dissipated or absorbed energy measurement, as well as for the measurement of the termal transmission of different components.

They are used to study and measure the energetic efficiency of Air Conditioning equipment and thermal insulations. Customized in modular or compact format according to specifications.

The modular chamber is divided into two fully independent compartments joined through a wall where the internal module will be located in one chamber and the condenser unit or external group for the performance of characterisation tests.

At Ineltec, we design and manufacture customised equipment according to customer specifications, modifying or extending the standard features.

From -30 ªC to + 70ºC
Adjustable from 15% to 98%
According to customer specifications

ISO 8187 | EN 14825 | EN-ISO 23953-2 | EN 14511 | EN-ISO 22041 | EN 16147 | etc.

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Structure modulaire assemblée avec des panneaux sandwich en polyuréthane thermo-injecté, hautement résistants et amovibles, permettant ainsi un transfert ou une extension future.

Extérieur: Face extérieure des panneaux en tôle d'acier galvanisée et laquée blanc.

  • Porte d'accès: Porte coulissante isotherme avec fermeture hermétique et système d'ouverture manuelle.

Intérieur: Face intérieure des panneaux en tôle d'acier inoxydable AISI-304.

  • Eclairage intérieur: Utilisation de projecteurs LED.
  • Trous d'accès: Des traversées seront installées pour les connexions électriques et mécaniques entre les caméras et les éléments de mesure.


  1. Densité: 41-42 Kg/m³
  2. Coefficient de conductivité thermique: Murs et plafond: 0,021 Kcal/m. hºC | Sol: 0,021 Kcal/m. hºC
  3. Coefficient de transmission thermique: Murs et plafond: 0,31 Kcal/m. hºC | Sol: 0,21 Kcal/m. hºC

The touch screen PC has the PROCAM-WIN installed. It is easy and intuitive software which performs programming tasks, acquisition, records, control and analysis of the results. 

  1. Manual or automatic programming
  2. Possibility of programming date and time of the test
  3. It allows recording notes during the tests
  4. Different access levels
  5. Maximum 11 operators
  6. Display and recording of tests in a graphical or tabular table
  7. Export to excel or similar
  8. Setting of minimum and maximum alarms for temperature and humidity for each section
  9. It includes recording screen, incidences and maintenance.
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