Hazard chambers are equipped with the necessary accessory to assure Hazard safety levels between levels 1 and 7. It is used for tests on cells, modules, lithium batteries, etc.
The maximum temperature ranges in standard models are -70ºC being able to reach up to +180ºC, the volume of the equipment can be from 150 litres to 2000 litres, for other sizes please consult us.
The chambers are mainly used in the automotive, electronics or technology sectors and in testing laboratories.
At Ineltec, we design and manufacture customized equipment according to customer specifications, modifying or extending standard features. Learn more about the levels of risk that different tests may have in this article.
UNE EN 60068 2 40:2000
UNE EN 60068 2 41:2000
Hazard chambers have the same technical characteristics as climatic chambers, but to assure safety during the test we add the following resources according to the required Hazard level:
Exterior: It is made of white lacquered aluminium sheeting.
Interior: It is made of AISI-304 stainless steel.
The touch screen PC has the PROCAM-WIN installed. It is easy and intuitive software which performs programming tasks, acquisition, records, control and analysis of the results.